Life Under the Guptas

Concept Explanation

Life Under the Guptas

Life Under the Guptas: During the life in the Gupta period, the King was the head of the administration. With the help of his ministers the King had to rule following the set principles of Rajya Dharma.

Administration: The empire was divided into a number of provinces or bhuktis. They were placed under governors or uparikas. The provinces were further subdivided into districts or vishayas which were headed by Vishayapatis. Bigger cities were administered by ayuktas, who were appointed by the governor. These ayuktas were assisted by town clerks. Many taxes were levied on lands-one-fourth to one-sixth of the land revenue was collected as tax high-ranking officials were probably paid in cash but over period of time, land grants replaced cash payments. This practice of ‘feudalism’ in India.

Economic Life:  The principal occupations of the life in the Gupta Period comprised of ivory work, mettle work, pottery, pearl fishing, garland making, weaving. The members of these above mentioned professions were organized into Guilds (Sreni) that were corporate bodies set up by members of a particular trade to perform important economic functions.

Society: The caste system had by now made deep inroads in society. More and more sub-castes emerged as the foreigners who came into India were fitted in one caste or the other. Untouchability continued to be practised.

Trade: The Gupta Empire had long-distance trade with the Eastern Roman Empire, West Asia. Contacts through trade also led to a more long-lasting impact on the cultures of South-East Asia Sanskrit, Buddhism and Hinduism spread from India.

Religion: Religion gained importance in the Gupta period. Though the rulers  were Hindu, they were tolerant  towards other faiths. A great transformation or  change provided the base for modern Hinduism. Idols were sculpted of gods and goddesses and  worshipped in temples. The concept of the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva gained popularity , as did the worship of Shakti. The university at Nalanda, the most famous centre of Buddhist learning, was founded by kumara Gupta Mahendraditya.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following is not correct with regard to the Gupta administration ?

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

The Gupta Empire was an ______ empire existing from the mid - to - late 3rd century CE to 543 CE .

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The Guptas were traditionally a ___________ dynasty .

Right Option : C
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